One by DOC2U
Augmented telemedicine accessible for all
The ultimate tool for remote general practice
You are:
A unique solution
Combines the 5 tools of the general practitioner
Easy to use to guarantee medical time
A business model aligned with the ecosystem
Integrates with telehealth solutions
Doc2U integrates with the patient pathway to facilitate access to care
Local care organization
- Optimize the management of unscheduled and scheduled care
- Facilitate access to medical resources in your area
- Streamline your patients’ care pathway
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Company and Insurance provider
- Offer an innovative health service to your staff
- Increase productivity and reduce absenteeism
- Boost your company’s brand
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- Provide a new service to your patients
- Strengthen your ties with local health care providers
- Diversify and increase your income
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Health care facility
- Secure your patients’ discharge by monitoring them at home
- Access medical resources without geographical constraints
- Promote continuity of care
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Doc2U is compatible with
Augmented teleconsultation solutions for pharmacies
Discover hellocare licenses
Your telehealth service here?
Contact us
Everything you need for a reliable remote medical exams
Blood pressure
Oxygen saturation
Heart rate
They talk about us
Doc2u fait avancer la télémédecine
La start-up toulousaine Doc2u, lance un objet médical connecté de la taille d’un petit boîtier pour effectuer une téléconsultation généraliste.
Télémédecine: Doc2U lance One by Doc2U
[Le blog de Buzz Médecin] Télémédecine : Doc2U, un dispositif tout en un pour un examen comme au cabinet
Ce boîtier connecté pourra vous ausculter pendant les téléconsultations
Doc2u, l’examen médical à distance en temps réel, « comme en cabinet » !